Boredom is one of those challenges that we have all dealt with in school. While it is not 100% preventable, exploring the causes can help lessen how boredom affects children and prevent the problems it creates in a school setting.

Lack of Interaction

Most students crave interaction. They don’t seem to be getting much in their classrooms, especially as they get older. Adding a new wave of home-based learning appears to have exacerbated this problem. There is a switch from a creative, more hands-on method to a more uniform systematic learning style at a certain point in school. Much of our early elementary years are spent playing fun games, singing songs, or working on crafts. Much like sneaking vegetables in with dinner, all of these activities were meant to engage us while secretly enriching our minds with new knowledge. These activities came with loads of interaction from educators and peers and integrating various learning styles to engage a variety of kids at the same time. This brings us to the next point…

Wrong learning style

One size does not fit all. This concept also applies to education. A simple lecture style of getting information across may be efficient for the educator, but whether or not that information is being absorbed through a stream of constant talking may be in question. The concept of learning style is still debated, but there is no denying that we all have a preference for how we like to learn. Visual learners want to see how something is done, where kinesthetic learners seek that hands-on experience. Some love to read from a book, where others always have their devices handy. How many of us dreaded group projects, while there were always that group of students cheering when told to get into teams? There are ways of learning that we love, and others we find mind-numbingly dreadful. Being subjected to the one that goes against a preferred method can increase the chances of boredom and cause a lack of motivation to learn. It will most likely also affect overall attention in the class or subject.

Uninteresting subjects

There is no guarantee that what may be interesting for one will be interesting for all. A whopping 75 percent of students report that the subjects they are learning are uninteresting. Everyone has had a boring class or had to learn something they feel is uninteresting. Unfortunately, that is usually unpreventable, but how that information is presented or tied to other subjects could make or break the lesson.

Lack of Motivation to Achieve

With each passing year, the excitement of school seems to wear off on a lot of students. This lack of excitement decreases their drive to achieve. The lack of motivation could be due to several factors, including repetition, lack of support, inability to see the lesson’s purpose or subject. How often have we heard, ” when am I ever going to use this in real life?” The moaning and groaning during geometry can be heard miles away. Some of us need that real-life application to engage and grasp a subject thoroughly.

They Have Fallen Behind

When children fall behind, it is essential to offer encouragement to recovering. However, once they’ve fallen behind far enough, it may feel like their entire education is dedicated to playing catch up to their peers rather than having fun while learning. They may act out, claiming the lesson is boring, but in reality, they are struggling to understand the lesson.

How We Can Help

Understanding how children perceive the world and process the information they receive will help piece together a road map of the environments they will best thrive in and the tools needed to help them succeed. The COSEC (Cognitive Orientation & Social-Emotional Competency) for kids is a unique personal aptitude tool developed specifically for kids under 13 years of age that follows the PCB (Perception Conception Behavior) model. The PCB model uses the individual’s view of the world (perception), how they process that information (conception), and how the relationship between the two influences an individual’s characteristics, traits, and preferences (behavior).

The COSEC covers an extensive range of traits and preferences. Preferences including: how students absorb information, how they apply their knowledge, how they behave socially and in group settings, and how they handle tasks. Knowing these things can help set up a student for success and keep things like boredom from becoming an academic problem.


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