Identifying What You Want
This is either going to be the easiest or the hardest one for you. You either know what you want, or you’re unsure. You’re in luck either way. You can start small by identifying your interests and work your way up from there. Right now, there’s an incredibly innovative tool available to help you identify interests, strengths, and challenges. This will help you build a path that is as unique as you are. Our SELC (Social-Emotional Learning Competence) Report is a science-based assessment based on our very own PCB Model (Perception-Conception-Behavior). It’s more than a career assessment or personality test. Each personalized report has a wealth of information to help you get to know yourself a little better and understand which environments you work best in. If you are still unsure or on the fence, a tool like this will help give you some helpful suggestions based on your unique perspective and needs.
Start Researching Your Potential Classes NOW
Did you know that most schools have schedules of classes from current, previous, and (depending on the time of year) upcoming semesters/quarters? Once you have an idea of what you would like to do, start browsing your future school’s website for class schedules. There, you will find the class description, the professor’s name, start times, and more. Keep in mind, this information may change, but it will give you a good idea of what to expect. You will also get an idea of the resources you will need to complete each course so you can start planning on how to make those resources available for yourself.
Another helpful tip would be getting involved with student forums to ask about the class if you are still unsure. Many students love to share their experiences on campus and about their lessons, so don’t let this valuable tool go to waste.
Get Friendly with Your Planner
Your planner is going to be your best friend. No matter how good you think your memory is, it’s a good idea to get into the habit of writing things down. There are many benefits of keeping a planner; the most important for students is budgeting their time appropriately. Speaking of time, this is one of those essential resources you need to have available for your classes. Not only when you are physically in class, but also time to study and do homework. A planner will help you map out your day and give you an idea about how to divvy up your time between your classes (but make sure you leave some time for yourself, too!)
Take an extra step and create a success plan. Success plans give you a visual of what you need to do to reach your goals. People who take the time to carefully plan their path to success are more likely to stay the course and get where they want to go. Vision boards also help inspire people as a visual reminder of what they are working for. See yourself succeeding and becoming what you want to be!
Seek Out Counselors and Advisors
Have you met with a college advisor or counselor yet? College advisors have a wealth of information and are ready to help you with your college path, yet they are among the most underutilized resources on campus. Once you’ve completed the steps above, you’ll have a good start before you get to see your advisor, and they will be able to help you catch anything you may have missed. If you haven’t completed the steps, they will be more than happy to help you in any part you may be stuck on. Counselors do more than print out major sheets and send you on your way; they also take a look at the classes and credits you already have and see what will count toward your degree, what credits transfer to which colleges and have many resources to help you further your education and into your future career. Get a jump start on your path now!