Victoria Sambursky

One Size Does Not Fit All

You have your own way of seeing and interpreting the things around you. Depending on how you view the world, or cognitive orientation, your understanding and feelings about what you experience can be wildly different from others. Our PCB Model takes these factors and many others into consideration when assessing your personality.

The PCB Model (Perception-Conception-Behavior) is our unique, multifaceted view of what makes an individual who they are. Our model is based on how an individual sees the world, registers the world, and how it all comes together to influence their characteristics, traits, preferences, and, ultimately, their behavior. This granular analysis is what separates us from other assessments. To better explain our PCB Model, here is a breakdown of how it works:


A person’s point of view, what we call their ‘perception lens,’ influences how they see the world. Imagine it is like the lens of a camera; the photo you take will look different depending on the lens size you use, resulting in different perceptions of the same thing. A very narrow lens will take in the world’s tiny details, but fail to see the big picture. The widest lens considers the entirety of the big picture but misses the smaller details.

However, just as a camera has a variety of lens sizes, so does each person. As some people may have more of a narrow lens and others a wider lens, some perception lenses may lie somewhere in the middle – called a dual lens. A person with a dual lens has the ability to take in both the small details and the big picture, depending on the situation. In essence, the lens you use to capture your surroundings can determine if your perspective is narrow, wide, or dual.


The way you process the information you receive or ‘conception’, helps to customize the way you see the world. Imagine the camera analogy again. As a mental picture is taken through the lens (perception) combines with its filter (conception), its very nature is altered. And just as there is a range of lens sizes, there are complex nuances to each filter.

For instance, a mental image taken with a very narrow lens will focus on one small detail. Still, when a very colorful or creative filter is applied, the single detail becomes many, forming a larger picture. An image taken with a very wide lens is a vast panorama, but it lacks detail until a very black and white, realistic filter is applied. Then the initial picture is analyzed until the smaller details are realized. A dual lens paired with a relatively neutral filter will give you a more balanced view of the world.


So how does this all come together? The relationship between the size of your lens and your type of filter results in the end product of what you see, and ultimately, the behaviors you enact based on that picture. The information that you perceive (see) and conceive (process) are combined to form a whole picture of your world, which in turn influences your characteristics, traits, and preferences. These features are outwardly expressed, resulting in your behaviors.

Unlike other personality assessments, our PCB Model understands that one size does not fit all. How you view, understand, and feel about the world makes you who you are. Capturing all of these factors, nuances, and complexities – that is what makes us different.

Want to see the PCB Model in action? Take our SUM assessment today!