Leading a team often leaves you with more tasks to complete than you have minutes in the day. Try these 7 tips for busy team leads to reduce your stress and help your day go smoothly!
1. Prioritize the Tasks – Not What You Need to Do
Start by determining what tasks are of utmost importance, not what you need to get done first each day (Forbes). This will help you not only determine the priority of the tasks that need to be completed, but it will give you a head start in the delegation process. Once you have the tasks prioritized, you can easily delegate them across your team. By thinking of the tasks first, instead of what you need to accomplish first, you take the focus off of yourself as the gatekeeper and become a more efficient delegator and a better leader in the process. If you’re stuck trying to determine which of your team members is best suited for which task, our Team Room can help you assess the strengths within your team so that you’re comfortable understanding which team member would be best suited for each task.
2. Hone Your Communication Skills
Communication skills are of the utmost importance as a leader. When you’re communicating effectively with your team, you are not only informing them of projects and tasks but listening to their feedback as well. Continually work on your communication skills because effective communication keeps your day moving along without conflict.
3. Collaborate
You’re running a team for a reason, so utilize the brainpower and collaborate. When you’re stuck at an impasse with an idea or a project, use your team to brainstorm your way through to a solution. Rather than wasting your time endlessly spinning your wheels to reach a conclusion, utilize your time wisely. Collaborate as a team to reach a productive solution together.
4. Trust Your Team
Once you’ve delegated a task to your team, you need to trust them to get the job done. Micromanaging has no space in a busy team leader’s life, so leave it at the door. Trust in your team solidifies you as their leader, and if you feel like trust is lacking, you need to actively work to build their trust. Begin by giving them clear instructions for tasks with reasonable deadlines while leaving the lines of communication open. Encouraging trust between you and your team, and between the members of your team, is the foundation for building a better team.
5. Identify Strengths
Identify personal strengths – both in yourself and in your team members. Once you know what someone excels at, you can put them in a position to complete the work that gives them the opportunity to shine. This is an effective use of time. Plus, it gives your team members a chance to be a superstar and makes you look like the great leader that you are. To identify the strengths of you and your team, try our reports.
6. Check-In with Your Team
While frequent check-ins may seem like they take a lot of your time, it actually keeps you and your team on track so that your time is well spent. Schedule regular check-ins with your team as a whole, and with each member individually to ensure that each member of your team is on track. If you start skipping check-ins, your team may develop a lack of communication and begin to go off track.
7. Reduce the Stress during Your Day
As you manage your needs and the needs of your team, the stress of your workday may begin to wear on you. Take steps to manage your stress proactively. Pass along your stress management tips to your team to help them manage their stress as well.