A survey from Indeed found that 49% of all employees have made a total career change – but what are the signs that it’s time to pull the trigger? After all, changing careers is a big move and requires more investment than just changing jobs or positions. For people changing careers, they’re most motivated by changing their lives – they’re seeking greater fulfillment, growth, and advancement. If you’ve had a gut feeling that it may be time for a shift in your own life, read on for surefire signs that it’s time for a career change.
You’re Underpaid and Overworked
Feeling underpaid and overworked is a clear sign that it’s time for a different job – but it may also be time for a different career. CNBC suggests that being underpaid and overtasked in your job is a frequent sign that this isn’t the right career for you. This correlates with the data found in the Indeed survey – 79% of those interviewed about their career change were looking for an increased income. If your current career choice feels like a dead end, where there is no escaping a low paycheck with high hours, it may be time to refocus and find a career that would be a better fit with a better work-life balance.
You’re Only Staying for the Money
On the flip side – if you make excellent money, and that is the only reason that you’re staying at your job, it may be time to visit the idea of a career change. Indeed found that 58% of employees are so unhappy in their current careers that they’d be willing to take a pay cut to find a career where they felt happier. Career Shifters calls this idea “Sticky Money” – where your income is the only thing making you stick around at your current job. Don’t let money hold you back from happiness, particularly when there are many well-paying careers and fields where you could potentially be happier personally and professionally.
You Don’t Like Your Day to Day Work
If you find yourself hating the tasks that make up your job, it’s definitely time for a career change. Why spend 40 or more hours per week doing something that you genuinely can’t stand? Forbes suggests that people often don’t like their day-to-day tasks because they feel it doesn’t have meaning, or it doesn’t maximize their skills. If most of your job description doesn’t feel fulfilling to you, you’re not the right fit for your job. It’s better to change your job, and likely your career, and find something that does fit you to increase your happiness.
You Have a Gut Feeling
Sometimes, when you know, you know. You can feel it in your gut when you’re not doing what is right for you. Monster recommends giving your career a 90-day trial – if you’re still unhappy in a job or career after 90 days, then it likely isn’t for you. There are myriad reasons why a specific job or role may not be for you – from a culture clash to a management mismatch. If you’re continually running into jobs and roles that don’t feel right within the same career field, then it’s time for a career change. When you’ve got a gut feeling that this isn’t the career for you, then it’s time for a career change. Trust yourself and your instincts, and value your own happiness.
It’s Time for a Change – But How?
Changing careers can feel terrifying. Most workers plan for a change for 11 months before they take the leap. The good news is that 88% of people that do make a big career change feel happier after they make the jump to a new career – and so can you. Start by learning what skills you excel at and what career would be your best fit. We can help – our PIC report helps you to determine the careers that best suit your specific personality type. If you’re in school or going back to school, our SELC report guides you in choosing the academic career that best suits your specific personality type.
Once you understand your skillset and assets, get an outlook of career data projects from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and begin networking with others in your new field on sites like LinkedIn. Learn the secret to making your job application stand out – and then go get the job of your dreams in your new career.
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